Reputation System

Reputation System- -Component of SocialFi

In the Web2.0 , only few of most influential people's reputation will be valued and realized. Most common people are also working hard, but they do not have chance to show their reputation, they need new system to show and be recognized. In addition, Low cost of counterfeiting, the reputation of Web2.0 is not totally true, even if it is written on the social platform of Web2.0, it may be self-talk, and it may also be deformed in the process of dissemination. At the same time, the reputation of Web2.0 and Web3.0 is separated, and these two do not have a smooth basic path to link.

Now, Web3.0 currently lacks native components representing social identities, we believe that people are the sum of social relations, and everyone's reputation has a value, so it needs to be calibrated and applied in a certain way, and finally a "decentralized society" (DeSoc) will be formed.

After establishing the DID identity, we can form a native component representing social identity in the Web3.0 world by establishing a badge system. In the traditional Web2.0 world, what LinkedIn does is to put everyone's education and work experience on the Internet, but it is limited to the traditional world, and only to these two major experiences. we hope to go further and expand to everyone's place community, DAO, etc. In theory, every community can mint and issue badges.

Badge display: C-side (individuals) and B-side (community) can create their own homepage and place their own badges on it. Each user has a metaverse land on which his badge is displayed.

Target customers: 7 billion people in the real world and 700 billion virtual people in the universe.

Badge features: It has the attributes of SBT, which is publicly visible and non-transferable (but can be revoked by the issuer); it is registered on the blockchain to confirm the rights and verify the authenticity.

Badge certification method: "self-certification", similar to sharing information about yourself in a resume; can also be issued or verified by others.

Security: Decentralized mutual supervision. The party issuing the badge has the right to choose who to send/not to send? The party that has been issued the badge has the right to question whether the badge party is a fake organization and can initiate a vote.

The core is to address infrastructure: what reputation do I have (authentication, visualization, quantification)? Is the reputation information true and trustworthy? In this way, a co-determined social relationship is formed, and social relationships and communities are brought together from the bottom to top.

Further, the badge system can even be recorded as data in the metadata bits of the DID.

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